McDonough Orthodontics

This site is a little special to me because Dr. Dave McDonough is also the orthodontist fixing my teeth. Their site did end up posting the before/after and progress photos of my teeth! Anyway, this is a local orthodontist with some special subpages. It’s actually kinda rough getting text to flow naturally around rounded corners, like on this site’s subpages. This was also one of the first sites I built that contained custom jQuery that I wrote from scratch. I needed it to make certain effects in the header, and hover effects, to happen.
McDonough Orthodontics
Summer 2013
A local orthodontist who eventually set me with up braces, too. This site required hover effects that, for me, were new and required custom coding. Nowadays I wouldn't even flinch at that sort of thing - partially thanks to what I learned building this site.