Heat Trace Specialists

I didn’t begin the build on this client, but finished it – and in doing so, basically had to redo the majority of the code. At the time, I was still learning a lot about mobile responsiveness and how to prevent that dreaded horizontal scroll if you zoomed in on things. Plus, frankly, CSS was way more limited back in 2012. We’ve come a long way since this site.
I also was still in the process of learning how JavaScript worked. I remember very distinctly that this site was my first experience with a jQuery slideshow. It opened up a whole new world for me, realizing that not only could I do amazing things with JavaScript, I could also figure out how to do just about anything I wanted to do. It took a while for the actual technology to catch up, but I did learn a lot specifically on this site.
Heat Trace Specialists
A home services company that installs de-icers on your roof. I didn't start this project, but I had to finish it. And in true Cheryl-fashion, that made me basically rewrite the whole thing. I'm just not one for band-aids solutions.