Riviera Fitness Centers

This site marks one of the first times I had to build elements on the page that were dynamically populated by data in WordPress’s admin. They have a iot of locations, and I need to create a unique drop-down menu with different states, and location pages with information very unique to the particular location. If you visit a location subpage, there will be a contact form, and based on which location you’re viewing, that dropdown will update. Obviously this type of functionality is cake now, but it was something I had to learn and figure out back then.
Another interesting feature, something I had to learn to do, was the mega menu. It contained images and links grouped by state, which was a minor CSS challenge. Another thing that is no longer an issue for me, but had to start somewhere! I also remember thinking that the slideshow was problematic – there were a few slides where the person on the slide is overlapping the nav menu above. You can’t actually do something like this, technically speaking – the slideshow can’t be simultaneously above the menu, and below the menu at the same time. So I lied. I added the menu background to the slideshow, made the background to the true menu completely hidden, and then put it very carefully on top of the menu. Nowadays if a designer did something like this, I’d shake my head and ask them not to do this to me.
Riviera Fitness Center
Spring 2012
A fitness center that required me to learn some things about using data to dynamically populate elements on the page, such as dropdowns. I also custom-built a mega-menu with images and links pointing to different locations, grouped by state.