Panhandle Cleaning & Restoration

This site represents one of the first instances of “content blocks”, which are basically custom post types that I created to help minimize the amount of HTML someone would need to know in order to add content to the site. Most of the content is organized into neat little sections with an icon, header, subheader and content. If I put that all into a WordPress page as HTML, someone will inevitably break it and then the whole thing will look awful. So instead I created a custom post type, which then has custom fields (courtesy of ACF) that you can fill out for each block. You then assign the blocks to the pages. So theoretically you could reuse the same block on multiple pages. Same with FAQs. It made the most sense. I don’t like to use these where they’re not necessary, but they work super well here.
I ended up reworking the concept of these content blocks over the years and eventually developed into my own custom ACF-based page builder. Page builders relying on similar concepts sprang up shortly after that. I prefer my methods of course, mostly because it means not using page builders (which I hate).
The site has long since been replaced of course, but there’s a version on the Wayback Machine that seems relatively intact. You can even still see the JavaScript effects I used on the slideshow. Some of the design elements here are absolutely tragic, thanks to some weird ideas my bosses had about conversions.
Panhandle Cleaning & Restoration
Panhandle CR was a DKI company that made heavy use of content blocks, a special custom post type that I created in order to create HTML-heavy blocks of content over and over again without requiring HTML. This was the precursor to an ACF-based page builder that I designed and use to this day.