Montgomery Scrap

This was a pretty complicated site to build because of the number of absolutely-positioned features throughout. The designer, Todd, told me at one point that another developer that we both have worked with is “scared” of his designs. I giggled. I’m not concerned at all. Anyway, the beauty of this particular site is, like many of my sites, in the backend. Everything that needs to be edited can be done so easily, even by the client.
The slider on the homepage took a lot of work to figure out – I had to learn some things about jQuery that were completely new to me at the time. I also had to convert a font to a websafe font. Obviously these days, none of that would be problematic for me. At the time, it was a learning experience.
I built it for an associate of Oozle Media’s owners, who paid me something like $500 to do it. In retrospect, that dude was definitely taking advantage of me, even by 2013 standards. I did learn some things about how to handle contractors, though, when I had to instruct him very firmly to stop calling me in the evenings to pitch ideas at me. After I built the entire site, he asked me to redo the header. I had to insist he pay me for the time in revising an already approved design, which he was offended at, and said some pretty sexist things to me to pressure me to give him free work. That was the last time I ever did contract work for him.
Montgomery Scrap
Summer 2013
A site that represents a major learning experience for me related to contractors more than anything. It was a fairly complicated site to build because of various elements on the page that needed to be positioned exactly, and I was still in my pixel-perfect phase.