Blu Ventures

I built this one as a side project for one of Oozle Media’s owners, who also is doing this as a side project to Oozle Media. The site is super pretty and modern. It also has a lot of variability within the content, which necessitated some creative thinking to avoid putting a lot of HTML into WordPress’s admin. I’m totally insistent on not using a lot of HTML back there because it’s too easy for clients to break the site. In this case, I used ACF’s Flexible Content fields to allow me to add and remove sections of content at a whim, relatively easily, with little HTML. My client/boss edits this site pretty much by himself now with occasional input from me.
This site has long since disappeared. It used to be at but obviously is no longer available.
Blu Ventures
A site that I built for one of the previous owners of Oozle Media. He had a side hustle that he wanted to work on, and asked for my help in developing the new site. Entrepreneurs can't stop entrepreneuing I guess.