Allred Construction

This site is pretty, imo. I got frustrated building portions of it, because Brig had a dream that was a little rough in coming true, but ultimately everyone including the client was happy with the result. Also, this guy built Bill Engvall’s house so I’m practically a celebrity by association. The site is mobile responsive, so check it out on your tablet or phone. This was a big deal to me back then because it represented the first time I used vw measurements in my CSS – I learned a way to build mobile sites that made them a lot easier and faster to work on.
It’s been several years but the site is still up. It’s been modified somewhat (mostly different images and an ugly button) but seems to be intact otherwise.
Allred Custom Homes
Spring 2015
Allred Construction is a Utah custom home builder that works primarily around the Park City area. They build beautiful custom homes and required a website heavy on imagery.